It’s All About the…

Wait, What the Hell is This All About Anyway?!

It’s All About the… Er... In This Issue

…Wait, What is This All About Anyway?!

This episode, we talk a little bit about the microbiome and how it connects to hormones. But, just a little bit…

Oh, and I give you some links for helpful supplements - that might change your life…

Read on to find out.

So, You Killed the Invaders. Now it’s Time to Start Building Up Your Resistance.

Yes, getting rid of parasites is important... (see previous posts)... but, as also previously mentioned, they do shed a lot of toxins while they go.

Which means doing a good detox afterwards is equally important.

Another Super important step between parasite cleanses and balancing your hormones - which gets started while you're doing the parasite cleanse - is rebalancing your microbiome.

Making sure your Microbiome is robustly populated, but not overly so, is a key factor in being able to create hormones.

Remember: Contrary to the American belief that more is always better... more is sometimes Way too much! So, it's important to get the right bacteria growing in there, and avoiding SIBO (Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth).

How do you do this?

Well, you could just use some very good Probiotic supplements, with all the right bugs specifically geared toward women's health.

But… that probably won’t work as well if you’re mostly eating cake and drinking cola all day long. Cause that’s some Prime parasite food right there.

So… Eating a lot of organic, unadulterated, fermented foods is an important first step. Organic and non gmo, free range, wild, and biodiverse foods in general - with lots of greens, fiber, and prebiotics - also important.

Getting plenty of sunlight/vit D with the right balance of K2 (for your bones). Important.

Yeah. Vitamin D is absolutely a key element for balancing a lot of the things in our bodies that keep us healthy. Including some of our hormones.

So... what else?

Food based supplementation is helpful when you need extra vitamins & minerals that your body is missing, or not getting enough of from your food. Plus, drinking plenty of clean water, regular exercise, frequent meditations, and the appropriate herbs all can make a huge difference too.

Essentially, the key to balancing your hormones is pretty much the same as balancing your health. When your body is aligned to be the best it can be, and properly used and cared for, it functions exactly the way it should.

And it all starts in your gut…

Feed Your Hormone Maker

Menopause Might Ruin Your Teeth

New research shows that dry mouth, one of the symptoms of Menopause, can be a combination of hormone imbalance and microbiota dysbiosis.

So, if you have good flora missing in your gut and mouth, and you never balanced your hormones during Menopause, you are more likely to have periodontal disease and tooth loss.

Estrogens play a major role in microbiome health. So, when estrogen levels start to decline in the body, a lot of stuff goes out of balance. Including the microbiome.

Throw in a parasite infection, and things can get even more off balance. Since efforts to rebalance can be thwarted by all that constant messing with your hormones parasites love to do, it’s super important to also thwart the parasites - obviously.

One way to maintain some serious thwarting: a strong microbiome.

See how that all comes back around? Like a vicious circle of health…

Recommendations and Reviews: Try It… Or Don't... It's Your Body

Here you go. I did the research for you.

Well, I did a ton of research. Buuut… Everyone should still DYOR (Do Your Own Research).

Medical Disclosure:

I am not a medical professional. These are some things I have used with success. Or know people who have. If you have serious medical conditions, or have an inclination that you might need a professional to guide you through a cleanse - of any kind - seek qualified medical advise. Like a Naturopath. Likewise if you are not sure what your body needs or doesn’t, a good blood work up to see what your vitamin and mineral levels are can be just as useful as a hormone panel check.

But also: always DYOR, and remember to use your voice to ask informed questions when you do seek advice.

Affiliate Disclosure:

I am Not receiving a kick back from any of the links or companies mentioned here. Which, unfortunately for you, means no special discounts. (Except when otherwise stated in the article;)

Healthy Gut/Hormone Axis Rose is Love Supplements

There are a lot of options when it comes to probiotics.

Without spending hours of research and experimentation, knowing which ones are actually going to be the most viable and bioavailable, and which ones might do more harm than good, can be tough.

Lucky for you, I already did all that research.

Ohhh, aaand… Guess what?!

I actually have a discount link for you this go round... And, it’s gunna give you a substantial discount on some very good probiotics!

(drop me an email or leave a comment if the link above doesn’t work for you)

Oh yeah, it's happening! Save some dollah doolllaaah bills, yaaa’ll!

Why yes. I do use them my ownself. Been using them for a while now.

Tried them because a nutritionist friend told me about them; and because they have a patented delivery system that makes sure all those good bugs get all the way down into your intestines, without dying off in your stomach acid on the way. They also have a prebiotic made from pomegranate. Which is another thing parasites Hate…

But, do they work?

Oh yeah they work.

I definitely notice a difference with these, and they don’t even need to be refrigerated. For real.

Though, just for good measure, I also use an SBO from Ancient Nutrition (sorry, no discount code link for this one).

They have a soil based bacteria formula that includes S. Boulardii, which is specifically for helping prevent parasites from living in your guts. Plus, a bunch of herbs that are great for women's health in general.

There's also a version for men which has herbs that are generally good for women's health too. And, I suppose, for men as well.

I take both the S’s (Seed and SBO) almost first thing in the morning (shortly after my liquid fulvic/humic and apple cider vinegar drinks).

And if you missed it from the previous post, this is the liquid D3 K2 that I use.

Here’s to some happy hormone makin, parasite preventin, gut bugs, ya’ll!

Preview of Coming Attractions

Next issue I’ll talk a bit more about the symptoms that show up during menopause and dive a little deeper into food based supplements, and what food based actually means.

I also have a couple One to One Para-Menopause Coaching Spots Opening Up soon. So look for an email with details on how to vie for one of those spots later this month.

(If you were sent this are reading this on the blog, you can sign up for the newsletter to be notified when Group Coaching Cohorts and One to One Coaching spots come available)


or to participate.