We All Have Parasites!

And Sometimes Feel Fine

Parasite Accumulation: The Early Years

I have had parasites my whole life. So have most of you. So have most of the human race; and all the other planetary species.

We also have a lot of other freeloaders, like gut bacteria, that are actually beneficial symbiotes. But even those can over produce in the right (for them, wrong for you) environment. The tiny mites that live in your eyelashes and keep the dead skin from getting in your eyes is a great example of symbiotic parasites. Long, lush, lashes when the balance is normal. Skin irritation, possible infections, and sometimes gaps where lashes should be, when the balance is way too high in their favor.

So yeah. You can live in harmony with a lot of different bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

However, there are also a lot of those that are never a good idea to try to make friends with. Those not so friendly little guys have a variety of problematic habits - including fucking with your hormones.

So… How do you keep those nasty ones out? Well basically, you need to keep your body really healthy so those little bastards can't survive.

What does that entail? Well, eating preventative foods and herbs on the regular, and yearly parasite cleanses are all part of a proven method. Keeping your microbiome healthy is also super important. (But more on all that in future issues)

When parasites are talked about, people usually think exclusively of worms. But, fungi, bacteria and other invasive freeloaders can also be included in the category. Like ringworm, for example. Which is actually a fungal infection.

At the top of this article, I mentioned that every living thing gets parasites. Eventually.

Now, you might be thinking: Not Me! There is no way I have parasites! Well… I’m betting at least a few of you who say that can also relate to this next part:

I definitely had parasites as a kid. I specifically remember having pinworms and ringworm. And ticks.

I also knew a lot of kids who had parasites. Betting you did too. If you really think about it. At least one kid in your school probably had lice - which is a parasite that hitches a ride on the outside of our bodies. Like ticks and fleas; which can also spread parasites to the inside of your body through their bites.

So, it’s not really all that surprising that I got a couple of early years parasite infections. Even though I was an unusually clean child. I was also somewhat of a sickly child. Very active, but sick all the time. To the point that all the school nurses knew me by name. One would even rush at me with a trash bin in hand, to aim at my mouth, every time I came into the office. Just in case. She learned that the hard way… I’m sure you don’t need the details on that. However, I definitely got the VIP treatment after that first, um, incident.

So, how did I get parasites as a kid?

Well, my family dog was always sick. Plus, all the neighborhood kids frequently got thrown together when one of us was sick, so we could all get whatever was going around over with. I mean.. A lot of those kids were definitely not nearly so well versed in personal hygiene. So there was absolutely some things that got shared that weren’t strictly viral.

But, like most of you, as a kid I also:

Played in dirt. Which is normal. Also a way to get parasites.

Swam and waded in natural waterways. Also pretty normal… and another way to get parasites.

Ate vegetables and fruit straight from the garden. Also pretty common. Yep, you guessed it, another way to get parasites (see playing in dirt).

Foraged for wild berries and herbs. Which went like this with the berries: one for the basket two in my mouth. Again, pretty common. Yeah… (see the previous example).

Had my legs covered in leaches wading across a stream. Maybe not so common. Not sure that gave me parasites, but it did traumatize me enough not to wade across streams - for a while at least.

Spent a lot of time in hot springs. Probably less common. Definitely some parasites floating around.

Got bit by a lot of Lone Star Ticks. Walked out of tall grass with about a dozen or so of them attached to various body parts - yeah, they were kinda all over my body. Probably kind of common. Maybe not that many at once though. None-the-less, after that, I had Alpha Gal Syndrome (before it even had a name).

So, yeah. I was infected by ringworm, pinworm, chicken pox (twice), measles, mumps, rubella, strep throat, every kind of flu that came through the neighborhood, and Alpaha Gal - all before the age of 10. And that’s just what I know about.

I even had a reaction to my first flu shot, had a severe sensitivity (allergy) to salmonella and botulinum (so even tiny, non life threatening, amounts caused severe illness), had stomach issues that involved a lot of vomiting (see note about the school nurse above), and was generally hypersensitive to smells and toxins. So, nauseous pretty much all the time. Mostly after eating meat (see the above about food poisoning allergy and Alpha Gal) but also sometimes after just eating anything at all. I was kind of a hot little mess!

Part of the nausea thing, I’m pretty sure, was because the drugs I took (when I was 4 & 5 y/o) for the pinworms and ringworm killed off my microbiome, pretty much D E A D! If your stomach is under populated by all those little symbiotic guys, it’s absolutely a lot harder to keep the parasites out.

So, again, yeah. With all that going on in my body, it’s not too surprising that I had some parasite issues. Long before I went traveling overseas. (Oh yeah, I can pin down some other parasite accumulations later in life too.)

But, hey. I did eventually recover from all of that.


So, if you can relate to any of that, you probably at least had some parasites as a kid. Might even be the cause of some of the stuff you’re going through now.

Don’t worry though, you can Absolutely rebuild yourself too.

I mean: The human body is F*cking Amazing!

Round Two Was Full of Surprises

Sometimes, it has to get worse before it gets better. Especially when doing a cleanse.

Parasites have a tendency to wrap themselves in viruses and bacteria, molds and other fungi, toxins and heavy metals. So...When they die off, all that crap gets released back into your system. Which is why using binders is so important when doing a parasite cleanse.

The binders grab up all that stuff and safely carry it out with them. Usually.

Sometimes, a bit too much of that wrapping gets released and there aren't enough binders to carry them away.


Several fungi and bacterial infections I had when I was younger popped back up in the middle of my second round of parasite cleansing. Nowhere near as severe as the initial infections. But I thought I had already eliminated all of those little bastards years ago.

Every time I do a parasite cleanse, my entire system cleans out more and more.

It's amazing what our bodies carry around. Sometimes it's just amazing that we are even still walking around at all; considering what's lurking in there.

Recommendations and Reviews:

Post Parasite Detox Stuff, and Things

Here you go. I did the research for you.

Well, I did the research. Everyone should still DYOR (Do Your Own Research).

Medical Disclosure:

I am not a medical professional. These are some things I have used with success. If you have serious medical conditions, or have an inclination that you might need to have a professional guide you through a cleanse - of any kind - seek qualified medical advise. But also: always DYOR and use your voice to ask informed questions when you do seek advice.

Affiliate Disclosure:

I am Not receiving a kick back from any of the links or companies mentioned here. Which, unfortunately for you, means no special discounts.

So, you did a parasite cleanse and a lot of junk got released that you weren't expecting? Well, after reading this edition of F*ck Menopause, now you'll know better next time...

However, I also know you might need a little extra help right now.

So, besides the extra binding recommends from issue #1, here are a few other detox herbs, clays, and supplements that I’ve personally used. They helped me. So, it’s possible that they will give you some extra toxin removal help too:

Happy Detox!


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